International Cooperation
The International Labour Organization (ILO)
is the tripartite social dialogue forum at international level. Governments, employers, and workers’ representatives from ILO member states are represented in the two bodies tasked with drafting ILO labour standards and policies, namely the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference.
At ILO level, the main social dialogue partners are the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), on employers’ side, and the International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC), on workers’ side. Concordia Employers’ Confederation is the sole Romanian business representative in IOE.
The International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
is the largest private sector network in the world, representing 50 million businesses through 150 national employers’ organisations in social and employment policy debates taking place in the ILO, across the UN, G20 and other international emerging forums.
The International Labour Conference
often called the international parliament of labour, has various competences such as the drafting and adoption of Conventions and Recommendations prescribing international labour standards. These instruments are the direct result of tripartite social dialogue developed at ILO level. Once adopted, the Conventions have the status of international treaties, open to ratification by member states, thus creating legal obligations of compliance with their provisions. The Recommendations are not legally binding, representing mere guidelines for actions undertaken by national governments.
Alianța Patronatelor Francofone (AFP)
este cea mai mare rețea de companii din lumea francofonă. Având 35 de organizații membre, constituie forma principală de organizare a mediului de business francofon. Scopul Alianței este să întărească legăturile dintre companiile din aceste regiuni într-un mod concret și operațional, militând în același timp pentru reducerea barierelor care îngreunează relațiile comerciale. Rețeaua reprezintă și un mediu de networking care conectează 700 de companii în mod direct și 10 milioane de companii, în mod indirect, prin întruniri, ședințe, conferințe de interes internațional și oportunități de dezvoltare.