
15 sectorial federations that represent the most important industries of the Romanian economy are gathered at Concordia. See who they are.


The Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies

The Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies was constituted to represent, support and protect the interests of its members in relations with public authorities, trade unions and other legal entities and individuals, both nationally and internationally, according to its statute and in accordance with the law. Also, the Federation focuses its activities on developing, implementing, and supporting market competition rules. To this end, the Federation develops, implements, and supports the improvement of fairness, transparency and business ethics of the business environment and of companies that compete in the energy, oil and gas field.


Association of Pharmacies and Pharmacists of Romania (associate member)

Association of Pharmacies and Pharmacists of Romania (associate member)


National Association for Soft Drinks

The National Association for Soft Drinks (ANBR) is a non-profit association with the mission to represent and support, correctly and consistently, the interests of the soft drink industry and those of its members. ANBR aims to contribute to the sustainability of the soft drink industry in Romania through its activities, increase the professionalism and ethical conduct of operating on the local market and continuously improve the quality of products and services offered by representatives of this industry. ANBR members are the most important producers in the soft drinks industry that produce and import over 90% of the total soft drinks consumed in Romania, as well as operators in related industries.


Employers' Association of the Romanian Software and Services Industry

Established in 1998, ANIS is the only employers’ association of the Romanian software and services industry. Since its inception, the association was set out to actively contribute to the development of the Romanian technology industry and to represent the interests of IT companies in the economic and political environment. Now, the more than 150 ANIS members represent about 66% of the total Romanian IT industry. The goal of ANIS is to ensure a strong community and to make its members and partners feel connected and safe, becoming represented and strong.


Professional Association of Ticket Issuers (associate member)


Romanian Furniture Manufacturers Association

It represents the employers in furniture manufacturing & furniture related sectors (raw materials, accessories, equipment and technology, R&D & educational institutions).

📌 1992 established

📌 388 member companies, out of which 218 furniture and design manufacturers (over 60% of the Romanian furniture output, over 65% of Romanian furniture exports)

Promoting and supporting the Romanian furniture sector

Organizes the participation of the Romanian furniture manufacturers in the national and international furniture fairs and exhibitions with the support of Romanian Government – Ministry for Entrepreneurship and Tourism. Co-organizer of the main furniture fair in Romania BIFE-SIM Bucharest.

Organizes each year the National Furniture Design Contest, which reached this year’s XIX edition. The contest is addressed to those who have or follow specialized studies in the field of design and furniture industry.


The Romanian Association of Online Stores

The Romanian Association of Online Stores (ARMO), established in 2010, is the representative organization for the e-commerce sector in Romania. ARMO’s primary mission is to advocate for its members’ interests at both national and European levels, engaging with policymakers and relevant institutions. The association promotes policies that support the sustainable growth of the sector, the adoption of best practices, and the enhancement of consumer trust in online commerce.


The Federation for Innovation and Sustainable Competitiveness in SMEs

The Federation for Innovation and Sustainable Competitiveness in SMEs (FICSIMM) supports the competitiveness and sustainable development of Romanian SMEs through innovation, digital transformation, energy efficiency and access to financing. FICSIMM is involved in the dialogue of entrepreneurs with national and European authorities, promoting economic policies that reduce regional disparities, increase the competitiveness of the Romanian economy, and strengthen a stable, innovative and sustainability-oriented business environment.
FICSIMM also facilitates SMEs’ access to resources and expertise: through thematic working groups and strategic partnerships, the federation supports the green transition, energy efficiency and digitalization, actively contributing to the definition of Romania’s economic strategies in a European and global context.
With over 850 members, FICSIMM represents a solid voice at the national and European level, including through active involvement in various monitoring committees of grant programs, as well as in the working group that participates in shaping Romania’s point of view on the post-2027 Cohesion Policy.


The Federation of Real Estate Investors and Developers for a Sustainable Economy

The Federation of Real Estate Investors and Developers for a Sustainable Economy (FIDES) is an employers’ federation, founded by some of the most important real estate developers in Romania.

FIDES is dedicated to creating a transparent, ethical and sustainable real estate environment, where quality, safety and innovation are priorities. The Federation assumes the responsibility to promote fair practices and support the development of prosperous communities, through an open dialogue with all stakeholders.

FIDES acts with integrity and respect, ensuring that its actions contribute to improving the quality of life and increasing trust in the real estate development industry. They are here to represent the legitimate interests of their members, but more importantly, to build a sustainable future, based on professionalism, responsibility and collaboration.


The Romanian Hotel Industry Federation

The Romanian Hotel Industry Federation (FIHR) is the first association established in Romanian tourism (April 1990) and is an employer organization that aims to represent the interests of hoteliers in Romania. FIHR represents hoteliers in relation to the central public authorities, being a member of the Tourism Advisory Council and a dialogue partner for the Ministry. Thus, there is the possibility that through FIHR to communicate with the authorities the most important subjects for the hospitality industry in Romania.

FIHR is the only hotel association in the country that has partnerships with associations of hoteliers from EU countries (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, France), and through these partnerships can exchange information, best practices, experiences both in the individual life of hotels, but also from the associative life.


The Council of Banking Employers in Romania

Established in 2016, through the partnership of two organizations (CPBR-Romanian Banking Board and PLCR-Romanian Leasing and Credit Board), the FinBan Federation was the first of its kind in the field of financial services, with the aim of facilitating the best possible representations of its members and employees. The five banks that make up CPBR hold more than half of the total banking assets and employees in the banking system. The members of CPBR are Banca Comerciala Romana, BRD – Groupe Societe Generale, ING Bank, Raiffeisen Bank and UniCredit Bank.

PLCR members include BCR Leasing, BRD Sogelease, Idea Leasing, Provident Financial Romania, Raiffeisen Leasing and UniCredit Leasing.


The Energy Employers' Federation

The Energy Employers’ Federation upholds the principles of free competition, fiscal predictability and stability, and the pursuit of performance through innovation by Romanian companies.

The projects undertaken focus on educating and accurately informing citizens to foster social acceptance of new technologies and facilitate their development. This strategy contributes to national economic progress and positions Romania as a leader in the technological sector.


Employers' Federation of Automotive industry

FPIA was established as an employer organization in order to represent and promote the interests of the Romanian automotive industry in relations with public authorities, trade unions and other third parties, locally, nationally and internationally.


Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation

The Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation is the framework for the development, dialogue, and efficient management of resources in the energy, oil, gas and energy mining sectors in Romania. FPPG consolidated during its over 25-year existence strong principles regarding the legislative framework’s predictability and competitiveness applicable in the energy field. The motor of the Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation’s activity consists in consolidating a unitary position in relation to the implementation of the best practices in the field it represents – energy, oil, gas and energy mining. By perfecting the methods for understanding and communicating the industry’s constitutive bases we succeed, as partners, in promoting the principles of free competition, fairness among the members and performance of the Romanian business environment.  The Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation is a founding member of CONCORDIA Employers’ Confederation.


The Romanian Association of Large Retailers Networks

FPRC was established in 2013, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 62/2011 of the social dialogue, having as founding members the Association of Large Commercial Networks in Romania (AMRCR) and the Employers’ Association of Trade Networks (APRC).

The purpose of the FPRC is to become the main representative employers’ federation of the Romanian trade sector, contributing through its initiatives to the continuous development and elimination of any barriers that affect the competitiveness of this economic sector.

 Through its own projects, as well as through its contribution to the projects of employers’ and professional associations at national and European level to which it is directly or indirectly affiliated, the FPRC promotes the values ​​of the market economy, free initiative, and free competition. FPRC is the largest member employers ‘federation (according to the number of employees) within the “Concordia” Employers’ Confederation.


The National Union of Road Hauliers

UNTRR – The National Union of Road Hauliers from Romania is an employer’s professional organization non-governmental, independent, apolitical, established on democratic principles in 1990. UNTRR promotes and protects the interests of road hauliers nationally and internationally, having from the beginning more than 13.000 members – operators that perform internal and international transports of goods and passengers.


Employers' Organization of Hotels and Restaurants in Romania

Employers’ Organization of Hotels and Restaurants in Romania


Employers' Organisation of Private Railway Companies in Romania

The Employers’ Organization of Private Railway Companies in Romania aims to promote the interests of its members, those who ensure the good movement of goods, to promote solidarity between them, to jointly develop transport and make rail transport profitable and increase the competitiveness of this sector.


Foreign Labour Force Employer's Association

The Foreign Labour Force Employer’s Association (PFMS) was set up as a result of a need imposed by changes in the market. The labour market is changing at an accelerated pace, the business environment is facing an acute shortage of staff and importing labour from non-EU countries is emerging as the only solution at hand.

In this respect, the aim of the Foreign Labour Force Employers’ Association is to support, defend, promote and represent the professional, economic and social interests of companies employing staff, companies carrying out labour placement activities and/or labour supply and management services and the new class of employees – specifically non-EU – in relations with the authorities, trade unions and other natural or legal persons, in accordance with the legal provisions laid down in the Social Dialogue Law no. 62/2011.


Employers' Organisation of the Romanian Insurance Industry

Employers’ Organisation of the Romanian Insurance Industry is established by four of the largest companies in Romania and wants to attract all those who want to contribute to the promotion of social dialogue and support of the insurance field, characterized by a high degree of regulation, and to reveal itself as an attractive industry on the labour marke, in order to attract and retain talents.


Romanian Brewers

The main mission of the organization is to promote and develop a responsible and strong beer industry in Romania. We want to ensure a healthy business environment in our industry.