Concordia în cifre
Ponderea cifrei de afaceri în PIB
companii cu capital autohton și internațional
din total salariați din mediul privat
salariați membri Concordia
Industrii Inteligente
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Obiectivul general al proiectului vizează dezvoltarea și consolidarea capacității Confederației Patronale Concordia și a membrilor noștri pentru a fundamenta, elabora și susține politici publice, respectiv pentru a reprezenta unitar și eficace mișcarea patronală din România.
Consolidarea capacității Concordia pentru dialog social
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
Obiectivul general al proiectului vizează dezvoltarea și consolidarea capacității Confederației Patronale Concordia și a membrilor noștri pentru a fundamenta, elabora și susține politici publice, respectiv pentru a reprezenta unitar și eficace mișcarea patronală din România.
Industrii Inteligente
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
Obiectivul general al proiectului vizează dezvoltarea și consolidarea capacității Confederației Patronale Concordia și a membrilor noștri pentru a fundamenta, elabora și susține politici publice, respectiv pentru a reprezenta unitar și eficace mișcarea patronală din România.
What brings us together
Suntem o voce comună pentru companii în dialogul despre viitor.
Companies are creators of opportunities
They hire people, train them and give them the chance to grow.
Companies are game changers
They innovate and develop products that make our lives easier.
Companies are enablers of education and health
They contribute with hundreds of billions of lei in financing the public systems.
Companies are builders
They develop the infrastructure that brings us water, energy and internet, they move people and goods.
Concordia's Role
Concordia Employers’ Confederation represents 17 of the most important sectors in the national economy and companies with more than 350,000 employees, with a total contribution of 26% to GDP.
Concordia is the only Romanian organization member of BusinessEurope and the International Organization of Employers and Business at OECD (BIAC).
As a representative social dialogue partner, our interests span across a large area of subjects such as the labour market and social dialogue, education, digitalization, consumers’ protection, future of transport, EU funds and circular economy.
Our Mission
We represent the business environment with a legitimate voice, home and abroad. We bring companies and authorities together. We create dialogue between employees and employers. We put the future on the agenda. We grow together.
At Concordia we:
bring together business leaders hungry for change, enabling them to think big, share best practice and challenge the status quo
empower business with intelligence to make informed decisions
build regional and national social dialogue and contribute to policy making at all levels
bring business and government together and lead the discussions with the European social dialog partners on the hottest topics
International Affiliations
Members of the Concordia Employers’ Confederation
The Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies
Association of Pharmacies and Pharmacists of Romania (associate member)
National Association for Soft Drinks
Employers’ Association of the Romanian Software and Services Industry
Professional Association of Ticket Issuers (associate member)
Romanian Furniture Manufacturers Association
The Romanian Association of Online Stores
The Romanian Hotel Industry Federation
The Council of Banking Employers in Romania
Employers’ Federation of Automotive industry
Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation
The Romanian Association of Large Retailers Networks
The National Union of Road Hauliers
Employers’ Organization of Hotels and Restaurants in Romania
Employers’ Organisation of Private Railway Companies in Romania
Foreign Labour Force Employer’s Association
Employers’ Organisation of the Romanian Insurance Industry
Romanian Brewers