Employers’ Confederation Concordia calls for offers specialists on updating the Trends Report related to „Future of Work in Central and East Europe”.
The report is part of the EU funded project ‘Helping Organizations Prepare Employees for AI (Hope4AI)’ and focuses on trends and signs of change about the future of work, skills, AI and best practices to adjust to it, covering the general landscape of Romania and Hungary, particularly the retail&trade and energy in Romania, and the manufacture of electrical equipment and retail&trade sectors in Hungary.
Full application must be submitted by 3 March 2025 (including) to office@confederatia-concordia.ro.
Language: the report will be written in English.
Number of pages: 28 (minimum).
Format: the provider will be responsible for the design of the “Trends report” by following the project brand guidelines and will provide the editable version of the final deliverable.
Budget: 6000 Euro (all taxes included).
Selection procedure:
Interested candidates must send the following application documents by e-mail:
- The CV of the researcher / a description of the team, their tasks within the project, their CVs
- A portfolio of relevant studies/reports/projects, preferably on a topic related to the current call for offers (it will be used only for the selection process, they will not be made public)
- A draft work plan and a proposed timeline
- A financial offer (all the taxes included).
For more details about the call for offers and the requirements for the report, please see the document attached to this post.
For more details you can contact us at office@confederatia-concordia.ro.